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Necessary additional files

Necessary additional files only for version adhoc 20090925 and only from InterBase2009
For the older version of FreeAdhocUDF adhoc 20090925 - and only for this - there are necessary only from InterBase2009, older ICU-files
  • for Windows - apply from InterBase2009
    • copy the following files in folder .../bin of the database-server
      • icudt30.dll
      • icuuc30.dll
  • for Linux - apply from InterBase2009
    • copy the following files in folder .../lib of the database-server
    • linking to the same folder than the following symbolic links
      example for InterBase in folder /opt/interbase and in folder /usr/lib:
      • ln -s /opt/interbae/lib/ /usr/lib/
      • ln -s /opt/interbae/lib/ /usr/lib/
      • ln -s /opt/interbae/lib/ /usr/lib/
      • ln -s /opt/interbae/lib/ /usr/lib/
Necessary additional files from version adhoc 20101111
FreeAdhocUDF uses from version adhoc 20101111 own compiled, current ICU-libs (Version 4.4.2) for using with UTF-8.
To avoid conflicts with the (reduced) ICU-libs from FireBird (version 3.0), we have signed our libs with the extention FAU - and dynamic linking on this files.
For this reason it is necessary from version adhoc 20101111, equal for InterBase or FireBird, to use this icu-files. 
If the system doesn't find this dynamic libs, the database-server sendout following error-message
Invalid token.
invalid request BLR at offset ...
function ... is not defined.
module name or entrypoint could not be found.
on every function of FreeAdhocUDF.

Due to OS the icu-files has to be copied and linked to specified locations.
  • for WindowsXP - from InterBase 2009 and FireBird 2.0
    • copy the following files in folder .../bin of the database-server
  • for Windows Vista and Windows 7 - from InterBase 2009 and FireBird 2.0
    • copy the following files in folder .../bin of the database-server
      • icudt44FAU.dll
      • icuin44FAU.dll
      • icuio44FAU.dll
      • icuuc44FAU.dll
    • in additon for Windows Server 2008
      • install the Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package.
  • for Linux - from InterBase2009 and FireBird 2.0
    • copy the following files on folder .../lib of the database-server
    • check the path of the other from FreeAdhocUDF used libraries, simply run in folder ../UDF
      • ldd
        • where is the location of
          • i.e..: in /usr/lib
    • linking to the same folder than the following symbolic links
      (look at the cript
      example for Firebird in folder /opt/firebird and in folder /usr/lib:
      • ln -s /opt/firebird/lib/ /usr/lib/
      • ln -s /opt/firebird/lib/ /usr/lib/
      • ln -s /opt/firebird/lib/ /usr/lib/
      • ln -s /opt/firebird/lib/ /usr/lib/
If you have vorgotten to linking these files, it's quite enough to disconnect and connect to the database-server.
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