this pages you find everything about the FreeadhocUDF-functions
InterBase and FireBird |
The FreeadhocUDFs
depends on
- FreeUDFLib (in Delphi, 1998 from Gregory Deatz)
- FreeUDFLibC (ported to C, 1999 from Gregory Deatz)
and are compatible to |
- FreeUDFLib from AvERP (in Delphi, with some enhancements)
- complete
- GrUDF (in Delphi and Kylix 2004 from Torsten Grundke and Gerd
Kroll) - complete
- rFunc (in C++ from Polaris Software, last version 2003-11-27)
- nearly complete
The FreeadhocUDFs
returns the same values in
Windows, Windows64, Linux, LinuxAMD64 and
For other builds e.g. Linux:Sparc,
Itanium:HPUX/Linux, Solaris:Sparc/amd64/x86, AIX:PPC64, HPUX
please ask.
The FreeadhocUDFs returns the same
values from InterBase 7.5 to InterBasXE and FireBird 1.5 to FireBird
For older InterBase and FireBird
versions please ask ... or better: finally update :-)
version |
Download |
- Last
published version of the FreeadhocUDF
is version adhoc
2010106 from 2010-12-06 (St.Nicholas edition)
- Last published version
of the FAUfile
is version adhoc 20090925
from 2009-09-25
issue/s |
history |
Current hint/s |
Licence |
Content |
Function list |
Coming next version |
History |
The FreeadhocUDFs
are programmed from Peter Mandrella, Georg Horn and Christoph
We thank Jean Lhoir from Brussels for the french translation.
The Windows-MSVC-versions are compiled by Timo Tegtmeier from
HKS Informatik GmbH.
The FreeadhocUDFs are under the LGPL
and everyone could use it without costs even in commercial projects
(s. licence)
The FreeadhocUDFs are copyright adhoc
dataservice GmbH, Virneburg/Eifel, Germany.
The FreeadhocUDFs are distributed under
the License on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY
KIND, either express or implied. Every user is responsible
for the use of FreeadhocUDFs.
The owner of this pages exclude liability for the content of linked
We thank all people who had worked on programming, documentation,
bug reports or anything else on FreeadhocUDFs. |
- 2010-12-06: version adhoc
20101206 from 2010-12-06 (St.Nicholas edition)
- 2010-11-11:
version adhoc
20101111 from 2010-11-11 (carnival edition)
- first version for InterBase 64-Bit
- 2010-03-17:
Forum deleted in case of continuous Spam -> for such
things I've no time ...
- 2009-10-06:
version adhoc20090925
from 2009-09-25
- first version with UTF-8 compatibility
- separating of file functions
- 2009-08-23:
years of FreeAdhocUDF
- 2009-04-22:
new Domain freeadhocudf.org with forum online
- 2009-01-31: bugfixed
(F_WOYISO) version adhoc20090128a
from 2009-01-31
- 2009-01-28: version adhoc20090128 from
- 2008-03-28:
32bit-MacOSXintel-version for FireBird 1.5 and
2.x available (thanks to Paul Beach)
- 2008-03-27: special-version
for FireBird 1.5 with SuSe 10 available
- 2008-03-14: 64bit-Windows-version
for FireBird 2.x available (thanks to Nikolay Samofatov from Red
and also 32bit-Windows-OpenWatcom-version for FireBird for
testing available (1st version with OpenWatcom compiler)
- 2008-03-03: version adhoc20080303
from 2008-03-03 (bugfix of version adhoc20080219)
- 2008-02-19: version adhoc20080219
from 2008-02-19
- 2008-01-02: some bugs in DECLAIR- and
UPDATE-Scripts fixed
- 2007-12-07: 64bit-Windows-version
for FireBird 2.x (thanks to Nikolay Samofatov from Red Soft)
- 2007-12-03: version
adhoc20071203 from
- 2007-11-28: version adhoc20071128 from
- 2007-09-25: bug in
declare-scripte (dialect 1) fixed
- 2007-08-24: version
adhoc20070824 from
- 2007-08-23:
version adhoc20070823
from 2007-08-23.
- 2007-08-09: version adhoc20070809
from 2007-08-09.
- 2007-08-09:
- 2007-06-04: 64bit-Linux version for
FireBird 2.x (thanks to Frederiek Jonckheere)
- 2007-04-19: changes
in Possibility
replace UDFs EVEN if there are dependendies and bugs in
- 2007-03-06: bug in
script declarations_rfunc.sql fixed
- 2007-03-06: new
scripts declarations_all... added
- ...
- 2004-08-23: first